If you want a hotel booking site that is easy to use and reliable, then I can recommend Booking.com. You’ve probably heard of it, but you may have doubts whether this is the best site to use. And you may have a natural concern that when you arrive in India to have a nice safe hotel room waiting for you.
I’ve used Booking.com for my trips to India and beyond, and the hotel rooms have always worked for me.

Thousands of hotels: There are so many options and even some of the smallest guesthouses in the town I live in, are on there. There is such a good selection which is why this is one of the most used sites.
Easy to use: The site shares the hotel’s star rating, you can see user reviews, and plenty of photos. I’ve always found that my expectation of the hotel was in line what the hotel was actually like.
Great price: You won’t pay much more to use the site than if you were to call the hotel yourself.
Cancel your reservation without penalty: The best part of the service is that you can book and then cancel with only a week or so before and still get most of your money back. Before I went to Sri Lanka, I booked a couple hotel rooms. Yet there was a terrible terrorist attack on local hotels, and one of the sites was only a few kilometers from one of the attack sites. I promptly cancelled that hotel and went to the one that was far away from the cities.