Want to save time & money on your next India trip?
Check out the list of travel hacks learned after +4 years in India
Using Your American Cell Phone in India: Tips from A Digital Nomad
The first time I went to India, I thought I could get a cheap local SIM card, put it into my iPhone and make local calls easily. That turned out to be FALSE. Now that I live here I figured it out and...
When I went to India the first time, I waited to get my e-visa until a couple weeks before I was supposed to go. I was so worried I would get rejected! Most people are approved, but if you have been...
I'm sitting at my rented home in South India and the power is out, again. I've been working more than full-time in a laidback town in India and I really love it. But friends and other travelers often...
Did you know the Maldives is just a short inexpensive flight from India? I'm looking to go there for a future visa run, but I want to make sure I have all the proper paperwork... Do I need a visa...
What are the Differences Between Dating in the US and India?
I work at an online matchmaking company, so when I moved to India, I was curious about how dating works here... What are the differences between dating in the US and India? In India, arranged...
After traveling in India for 6 months, my travel insurance was expiring and eek! I wasn't sure what to do. I needed to extend my insurance for another 6 months, did I have to go back to the US to buy...