Want to save time & money on your next India trip?
Check out the list of travel hacks learned after +4 years in India
I spent many hours figuring out what I should take for my trip to India. I knew I could find some items there, but I also knew I didn't want to be stuck without an important item... Through trial and...
Before flying to India, I thought it would be fun to bring gifts from the USA to the local kids, but I wasn't exactly sure what to bring them. Do I bring them candy? What about pens? But don't they...
India is such a rat race! It's not uncommon to sit in traffic for an hour to just go across a big city like Chennai. I grew up in a small forest in Michigan though and I still enjoy beautiful natural...
Is it Safe to Eat Bananas in India? 14 Tips to Avoid Getting Sick
I've been in India for over 7 months and I'm happy to say that I've never been really sick. Here's what I've learned about how to stay healthy while living and traveling in India... Is it safe to...
Can Guys Wear Shorts In India? 12 Tips for Dressing Like A Local
Before coming to India, I wasn't sure what to wear. Could I wear shorts? Could I wear boots? Did I have to wear a flowing robe? What about a loincloth? I just wasn't sure but after living here...
Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you I will earn a commission if you click through and purchase. When I went to India the first time, I...