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You have probably seen some cute photos of monkeys in India and you know that Indians eat different foods than what we eat in the West, but are monkeys eaten in India? Killing monkeys is illegal...
Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you I will earn a commission if you click through and purchase. Before coming to India, I had heard that...
If you've heard that India has a lot of people, then you've heard right. It's the second most populated country in the world, but you may not know: how crowded is India? The population density of...
If you're planning a trip to India, you may have heard the word "tout" and aren't sure what that means. I know before I started my long-term travels, I wasn't sure what it meant, so what are touts in...
As an American and travel blogger who's been traveling in India since 2018, it's interesting and helpful to know the tourism stats from other countries to India. So, how many Americans visit India...
If you're planning a trip to India, then the Taj Mahal is usually the first place most people want to see... but if you've already seen it hundreds of times on social media, is it worth it? Is the...