Want to save time & money on your next India trip?
Check out the list of travel hacks learned after +4 years in India
Khajuraho: A Complete Itinerary with 25 Photos (+ FREE Cheatsheet)
Khajuraho is best known for the 1,000-year-old temples that depict the kama sutra. For tourists who want to see some of India's most unique and well-preserved temples, as well as explore a quieter...
Entering Varanasi's old city feels going back in time. The city that was founded by Hindu gods. The city where Buddha first spoke. The city that was the heart of the Aryan settlement before Christ....
Walking along the Ganges River in Varanasi is one experience in India you do NOT want to miss. It has been one of the highlights of all of my travels, but it's like a tough workout or thick classic...
Most Indians don't use toilet paper and prefer to use water. Traditional toilets (also called squat toilets) will have a small hose with sprayer or a faucet and mug. Although tourist resorts and...
If you're planning a trip to India, one of your biggest expenses will be the flight. A recent study by CheapAir.com found that the average economy flight price changes 61 times before takeoff......
Agra isn't exactly known for its all-night beach raves like Goa or it's hipster bars like Bengaluru, but after as the sun sets, there are still plenty of things to keep you busy after visiting the...